
How To Make Drain Cleaner From Household Products 

 May 7, 2017

By  Xion Lab

We all fall victim to it: at some point in our lives, the bathroom or kitchen drain in our house gets clogged and we’re left to witness standing water in the tub or the sink draining slowly. Also, at times, horrible odors accompany these occurrences. The standard practice is to use chemical-based drain cleaners but what most people fail to realize is that these chemical-based cleaners damage the pipes and endanger your health.

The solution is simple: use a natural, homemade drain cleaner if preventative measures are unable to keep the clogged drain at bay.

Rather than purchasing a bad for the pipes and health chemical drain cleaner, make a drain cleaner from household products to clean or unclog the kitchen or bathroom drain. How to make drain cleaner from household products? This is something many people want to know as a homemade drain cleaner is a cheaper and less hazardous way of cleaning or unclogging the drain than a chemical-based cleaner.

How to make drain cleaner from household products? Knowing this is important since making your own cleaner is a good thing to do whether the cost of over the counter cleaning products frightens you or you’re tired of the harsh chemicals. Using inexpensive and common household items, you can effectively clean or unclog a drain.

You can clean the buildup in your kitchen or bathroom drains with the reaction caused by the combination of two or more household products so knowing how to make a drain cleaner from household products is important.

Drain Cleaner From Household Products

Many people want to know how they can effectively clean or unclog a drain. The good news for them is that there are several ways to effectively clean or unclog a drain. A tried and tested way of cleaning or unclogging a drain is using a drain cleaner made from household products. This is why Knowing how to make drain cleaner from household products is important but before we discuss that, it’s important to find out what a clogged drain means and what are its causes.

There aren’t many home repairs that compare to clogged drains in terms of annoyance. If you don’t tend to the clogged drain right away, you will unintentionally flood your floor or make your sink, tub or toilet unusable. Though, there’s good news: you can easily clear a clogged drain using a drain cleaner made from common household items. How to make drain cleaner from household products? Knowing this is important since all plumbing systems develop clogs and they cannot be avoided. Without the help of a plumber, a good way to clean or unclog the drain is using homemade drain cleaners.

To complete the job, all you need is the right tools and a bit of determination. Though, hire a drain cleaning service or licensed plumber for the job if you fail to unclog the drain even after many attempts. If you put too much pressure on it, you will cause permanent damage to the pipe or fixture. How to make a drain cleaner from household products? A good amount of hot water, a bit of vinegar, some baking soda and borax are effective household products for cleaning or unclogging slow-draining sinks.

How to make a drain cleaner from household products? This is something we’ll discuss in detail later on. Using the homemade drain cleaners listed in this piece, you will be able to clean or unclog virtually any drain but before we discuss the homemade cleaners you can use to clean or unclog the drains in your home, it’s important to take a look at the things that cause a clogged drain.

What causes a clogged drain?

Finding the best ways of clearing a clogged drain is what a number of people want to do. A great way of clearing a clogged drain is using a drain cleaner made from household products. So how to make drain cleaner from household products? We will look at that once we know what causes a clogged drain. You should always make keeping your free flowing and in excellent condition your top priority.

Though, keeping a drain unclogged at all times is not possible. Do you know what causes a clogged drain and what’s the best way to resolve this problem? If you’re unsure about both these things then you simply need to sit back, relax and read on.

You may be surprised by some of the things that cause a clogged drain. A number of things cause a drain to get clogged but we’re going to look at only the most common causes of a clogged drain. Following are the some common things that cause a drain to get clogged.

Soap scum

What causes a drain to get clogged? A common cause of clogged drains is soap scum. This usually occurs in shower drains. As time passes, the pipe walls accumulate soap scum that contains hairs and other contaminants which results in the drain getting clogged. The good thing is that you can easily clear the clogged drains caused by deposits of soap scum using homemade drain cleaners.

How to make a drain cleaner from household products to clear clogged drains caused by deposits of soap scum? Simply take a bucket of water and put chlorine bleach into it. Now, pour the mixture into the drain to clear the clogged drain.


What causes a drain to get clogged? Trash is the one foremost causes of a clogged drain. Items used in the toilet such as razor coverings, caps of shampoo and other small items are counted as trash. You should use the aforementioned items with caution in the toilet. Trash is a big contributor to clogged drains.

Usually, trash or small items that fall into the shower drain cause the drains to get clogged. You can easily clear clogged drains caused by trash with homemade drain cleaners. How to make drain cleaner from household products? We will discuss this in detail but only after we’ve looked at all the causes of a clogged drain.

Hard water

What causes a drain to get clogged? There are several things that cause a drain to get clogged and one of them is hard water. All sorts of minerals and micro solids are likely to be present on your shower drainpipe’s walls. Hard water is what causes these minerals and micro solids on the shower drainpipe’s walls. If you don’t clean them up, the deposits of hard water present on the drainpipe of your shower will ultimately clog your drain.

Many people want to know how they can unclog a drain clogged due to hard water. To resolve the aforementioned problem, simply use a homemade water-softening agent to clean the deposits. How to make drain cleaner from household products to clear a drain clogged due to hard water? We’ll discuss the drain cleaners you can make from household products a little later.

Hair and dead skin cells

What causes a drain to get clogged? If you ask this from people, most of them will lay the blame on dead skin cells or hair. There is a very simple explanation for this: when you take a shower, two things you naturally shed are dead skin cells and hair. So preventing your bathroom from accumulating dead skin cells or hair is simply not possible. When people take a shower, they tend to lose hundreds if not thousands of hair strands.

Additionally, during this process, up to a million dead skin cells flow with the water into the drain. Often, these dead skin cells and hair get trapped in the pipes of your drain to ultimately prevent the flow of water. Many people want to know how they can get rid of this problem. One thing that helps in this regard is a hair catcher. Also, you can use drain cleaner made from household products for this purpose. We will look at how to make drain cleaner from household products a bit later.

Main sewer line

What causes a drain to get clogged? You may be surprised by this but your main sewer line may be the cause of all your woes. Often, the main sewer line is the main culprit behind a clogged drain. The main sewer line may well be causing the clog whether the clog occurs in the line beside your home or near the street’s edge.

Your municipality determines what your responsibility is in regards to the sewer line. So you may need to get the sewer line repaired before you can tend to your drains. To find out how you can get rid of a clogged drain caused by the main sewer line, contact your municipality.


The final cause of a clogged drain that we’re going to discuss is your dishwasher. An unattended dishwasher is common cause of a clogged drain. To most people, a dishwasher is nothing short of a lifesaver especially after a laboriously cooked meal or a long day. Although this is somewhat true, a dishwasher can also at times become a source of a headache. Many people want to know how they can get rid of a clogged drain caused by dishware.

This best way to get rid of a clogged drain caused by dishware is preventing it from happening in the first place. If you allow your dishwasher to run continuously before you run a cycle or you do not properly clear the innards of solid waste, backups will form in your drain: you need to prevent this from happening. Also, there are some homemade drain cleaners that can get the job done.

Usually, clogged drains are caused by the aforementioned things. Though, there are some other things as well that cause the drain to get clogged. Regardless of what causes them, you need to clear clogged drains before they become a real problem for you and wipe out your wallet. How to clear clogged drains is what we’re going to discuss next.

drain cleaner

Clearing clogged drains

Many people want to know how they can clear a clogged drain. You’re bathroom and kitchen sinks are used a lot so if there’s a problem with them, you’ll know it right away. Although clogged drains can be cleared in a number of ways, there is no one surefire way of doing this. While some methods have a higher success ratio than the others, the chances of your clogged drain clearing are fate driven.

Generally, clogs are caused by the debris that builds up in your pipes. Everything from dirt to grease to crumbs makes up this debris. So how can you resolve this problem? Today, you’ll find a number of easily available over the counter clog clearing products. Unfortunately, these chemical based clearing products are detrimental to your pipes. Additionally, these clearing products often push the clog further down causing an even larger debris build up. A good way to clear the clogs would be using homemade drain cleaners.

Before you start using the chemical-based or homemade drain cleaners, you need to be sure whether or not you have a clogged drain. The warning signs of a clogged drain are evident to us all. The sink will take a hell lot of time to drain if the latter is clogged. Additionally, you’ll witness a pool of water near your feet in the shower and a strange, unpleasant odor.

The development of a clogged drain is what all these signs indicate and before you even know it, you have a clogged drain. In such a situation, the only thing that comes to mind is how to clear the clogged drain. Well, for people in such situations, there’s good news: since billions of people all over the world suffer from a clogged drain, there are an equivalent number of remedies for it. Most of these remedies involve the use of drain cleaners made from household products.

When your drain becomes completely blocked, you experience a clogged drain. You must deal with a clogged drain as soon as possible since it can make your bathroom useless or cause your pipe to burst. Dealing with a clogged drain is by no means fun but the good thing is that there are a number of ways for you to deal with this problem. This does not happen often but there are some clog clearing ways that make a drain-cleaning service or the plumber redundant. You can easily clear clogged drains without involving professional help if you use the appropriate techniques and tools.

Avoiding clogs is not possible as almost all plumbing systems develop them at some point. Though, limiting their occurrence and clearing them from your floor drain, kitchen sink, bathtub and toilet is very much possible. You can get rid of virtually any clog using the proven clog clearing techniques.

Most if not all of these clog-clearing techniques involve the use of a homemade drain cleaner. Though, if you fail to clear the clog after many attempts, you should allow a drain-cleaning service or a licensed plumber to do the job for you. If you apply too much pressure on the pipes/ fixture or handle them in the wrong way, you may cause considerable damage to them. In a matter of hours, you can get rid of most if not all stubborn drain clogs by using the right tools and techniques.

An important thing for you to know is how to make drain cleaner from household products. Once you know how to make drain cleaner from household products, you will be able to easily clear any clogged drain without the help of a drain-cleaning serviced or a licensed plumber. Following are two drain cleaners made from household products:

Vinegar Baking Soda Homemade Drain Cleaner

  • Use a carton or paper to make a cone
  • At the bottom, cut a whole
  • Via the cone, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain
  • Cover the drain immediately after quickly pouring a cup of vinegar. The mixture will form bubbles and come out of the drain. Work inside the drain and not outside it.
  • Leave things as they are for half an hour. Glycerin and harmless soap that you can wash down the drain is what the resultant chemical reaction will form into
  • Heat a few gallons of water without boiling it
  • After half an hour has passed, pour the drain and leave it to cool for half an hour. This will get the job done

Salt Homemade Drain Cleaner

  • Take four liters of water and mix it with two cups of coarse salt
  • Heat without boiling the water
  • Pour the water into the drain and leave it there for half an hour

How to make drain cleaners from household products? The aforementioned are just two drain cleaners made from household products. There are many other homemade drain cleaners that you can make to get the job done.

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