
Mattress Cleaner for Urine 

 September 18, 2017

By  Xion Lab

One of the most horrible things you’ll ever have to deal with as a parent is the bedwetting accident that your child will commit every now and then. This in turn, will make you want to tear your hair out and scream at the top of your lungs until reality hits you hard and you realize that’s not your job. Your job is to get a mattress cleaner for urine, keep it together, and accept this curse of nature.

Of course, it’s not like they enjoy doing it either so there’s not much you can do as a parent other than clean after your cute little toddler. As annoyed as you may get, as a parent you have vowed to the responsibilities that come with children and you have to abide by all of them with little to no complaints. Yes, it is against the law of parenting!

God Forbid if you have pets living in the residence too! They are quick to cause destruction especially when they team up with tots!

When you have pets such as cats or dogs living in the same house as a bedwetting toddler, you should brace yourself, for the duo will truly make you want to cry all night. If your tot wets the bed, and you fail to clean it properly or the odor still remains, then it’s very likely that the pet will be fascinated by it and come to the conclusion that peeing on a mattress is completely normal.

Now it’s up to you to decide which you’d rather prefer! However, whether its human urine or an animal’s, getting it out of a mattress isn’t only difficult but it may also be rather disgusting to some. So disgusting that they might just throw the mattress out and opt for a new one. However, not everyone can afford to do that just because the toddler wet the bed, and there’s no guarantee that they won’t wet the next one too.

The good news, however, is that although getting urine stains out of mattresses is one of the most challenging things in life, there are over a dozen ways through which you can easily remove the stain as well as the horrible stench that urine leaves behind. Nothing in life is impossible and this guide will prove to you that getting urine stains out of the mattress is actually very easy!

Mattress Cleaner for Urine

It’s Pure Nature

Many people refrain from discussing the topic of urine because let’s face it – it is a rather disgusting topic to discuss to begin with. However, it’s purely nature and there’s not much that you can do to defy the ways in which nature chooses to work. Also, try to recall the days when you were young and didn’t know any better.

There’s no denying that bedwetting incidents are common with any and every human being. It’s best to just accept that your child will wet the bed, and there’s a high possibility that the dog will be quick to follow. But that doesn’t mean you should be quick to ditch the mattress when you can clean it in just a few easy steps!

All Mom’s Deal with Their Tot’s Bedwetting Habits

If the law of nature isn’t reason enough for you to accept that you will have to deal with it, then it might ease you to understand that each and every mom has been through this. In fact, if you ask a mom of four, she’ll probably tell you that all four of her children were prone to bedwetting until they reached a certain age that they learned how to control their bladders effectively. And of course, if your dog or cat is happily taking a leak on the same spot as your toddler, then just indicates that you haven’t succeeded in getting the odor of the urine out of the mattress. Don’t worry, we’ll tell you how!

Baking Soda & Vinegar Are Your New Best Friends

First and foremost, the two ingredients that all mothers should be familiar with for the purpose of getting urine stains and odors out are baking soda and vinegar. Stock up on lots and lots of these because if your toddler wets the bedding or any other sheet, baking soda and vinegar are the two things that can work faster than most mattress cleaners for urine that are available in stores. In fact, the combination of these two things is so powerful and efficient that you just might label them to be a natural mattress cleaner for urine!

Time to Get Your Hands Dirty!

Well, not literally. You can always opt to wear a handy pair of gloves to ensure that your hands won’t literally get any of the germs on them – if that’s how much it disgusts you. Anyhow, following are the steps to be taken to rid the mattress of the nasty urine stain easily and effectively:

Method 1: Baking Soda & Vinegar

  • Get the Sheets Off: Before you begin to clean the stain, get all sheets off the mattress so the stain is bare and visible clearly.
  • Gather Paper Towels – Lots of them: You can use a dry cloth, towel or plain old paper towels for this part. Just take lots of them and gently dab the area of urine to soak up the excess liquid on the mattress. Always remember, rubbing instead of blotting or dabbing will only cause the liquid to seep in deeper into the mattress. Therefore, always opt to gently blot with lots of paper towels to soak up the entire urine.
  • Baking Soda: Sometimes, just blotting with paper towels might not help you to get the entire liquid out. This is where baking soda comes in. Dust the spot of urine with a sufficient amount of baking soda. This will help to absorb and soak up any remains of the liquid. This also helps to get rid of the horrible stench of urine.
  • Vinegar: Mix some pure white vinegar with equal part of warm water to make a solution. Using cold water will not work at all, so ensure that the water is of warm or room temperature.
  • Spray the Area: Once you have prepared the solution, spray it onto the patch of urine generously and allow it to sit for at least 5 minutes.
  • Blot, Blot, Blot: Again, blot the area with enough paper towels, dry cloth or towel to soak up all of the liquid. Even in this case, do not rub the area. This will help you get rid of any residue of the urine and it will also be useful to avert a mould from forming on the mattress.
  • Dry it Out: Make sure that you get the mattress to be as dry as possible before moving on to the next step. Keep blotting the mattress with paper towels until it is dry.
  • Grab the Baking Soda: Again, spray the baking soda on the affected area as well as on the rest of the mattress to ensure that the residue of the urine doesn’t spread to any other area. This happens ever so often because of the material of the mattress.
  • Let Dry: It’s important for you to give the mattress enough time to completely dry. In most cases, this can take at least 18 hours, so it’s best to leave the mattress alone under open air overnight.
  • Make Other Sleeping Arrangements
  • Bring Out the Vacuum: After letting the mattress sit throughout the night, vacuum it all over in the morning.

And there you have it! No more pee-pee stains or odor on the mattress!

Method 2: Invest in a Reliable Mattress Cleaner for Urine

A lot of people might be under the impression that the only way to get rid of urine stains from a mattress is by cleaning it with a mattress cleaner. Although just one trip to the store will confirm that there are dozens of mattress cleaners for urine, trying all of them will also tell you that not all of these work as well as you may think.

  • Gather Sheets: As mentioned before, before you even begin to clean the stain, get all sheets away from the mattress. Additionally, you should wash the sheets separately in a washing machine with laundry detergent, baking soda and vinegar.
  • Paper Towels: As per your preference, gather lots of paper towels, towels or a dry cloth. Gently dab the area of urine to soak up the excess liquid on the mattress. And remember – rubbing, instead of blotting or dabbing will only cause the liquid to seep in deeper into the mattress. Therefore, always opt to gently blot with lots of paper towels to soak up the entire urine.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle the spot of urine with an adequate amount of baking soda which helps to absorb any remains of the liquid as well as the horrible stench of urine.
  • Mattress Cleaner: Now this is where the mattress cleaner comes in. Instead of using vinegar, use an enzyme based mattress cleaner for urine.
  • Spray the Area with Warm Water: Take a spray bottle and lightly spray the affected area with warm water. And remember – using cold water is more or less useless so use warm water!
  • Apply Mattress Cleaner: Now apply the enzyme based mattress cleaner onto the affected area and scrub a bit until you see the dirt forming and coming out of the mattress. However, make sure that the liquid doesn’t seep into the mattress because getting it out will be a whole other challenge.
  • Blot, Blot, Blot: Again, blot the area with enough paper towels, dry cloth or towel to soak up all of the liquid. Even in this case, do not rub the area. This will help you get rid of any residue of the urine and it will also be useful to avert a mould from forming on the mattress.
  • Dry it Out: Make sure that you get the mattress to be as dry as possible before moving on to the next step. Keep blotting the mattress with paper towels until it is dry.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle the affected area with baking soda again, which will help to get the remaining residue out. Similar to the previous way, spray the rest of the mattress to ensure that the residue of the urine doesn’t spread to any other area. This happens ever so often because of the material of the mattress.
  • Let Dry: It’s important for you to give the mattress enough time to completely dry. In most cases, this can take at least 18 hours so it’s best to leave the mattress alone under open air overnight.
  • Make Other Sleeping Arrangements
  • Bring Out the Vacuum: After letting the mattress sit throughout the night, vacuum it all over in the morning.

Additional Tips:

  1. Use a mixture of laundry detergent, vinegar and baking soda to wash any items of clothing and wash these in a washing machine. For best results, wash clothes on hot settings, but on low speed. This will help the machine clean out the clothes effectively.
  2. The sun is your friend if getting the odor of urine out is your main concern. All around the world, when odors are too difficult to get rid of, you leave the item out in the sun for at least 10 hours. The same goes for urine odors. Once you’ve cleaned out the mattress by using the aforementioned steps, just leave the mattress out in the sun for a whole day. When you come back to it, the odor will be gone completely. Try it! It actually works.
  3. The aforementioned techniques of getting urine stains and odor out of the mattress also work in the case of vomit. Little kids tend to throw up even on the slightest fever so you might find your toddler throwing up on their mattress. Just follow the steps mentioned above and you’re set!
  4. Don’t use any vinegar other than Distilled White Vinegar. All other types of vinegar will fail to get rid of the residue of the urine so you’re only going to waste your time.
  5. You can also opt for a waterproof mattress cover in order to prevent future accidents from taking place. Many people have found that this actually the best way because even if your toddler does end up wetting the bed, it won’t soak into the material. Hence, you won’t have to go through the vigorous procedure of cleaning out the mattress.
  6. If you happen to run out of vinegar and the shop is too far and you need to clean the mattress on urgent basis, just replace vinegar with a decent amount of vodka. Although it might not help you get rid of the stain itself, it’ll help you get rid of the horrible stench of the urine.
  7. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide works wonders too and can help you get the stain and the stench out in no time. Hydrogen peroxide has long been known for its plethora of benefits and we cannot possibly deny that it is one of the most useful household items that one can have. Considering how cheap it is, it won’t be difficult for you to stock up on the item. Make a mixture of equal parts of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and a reliable mattress cleaner for urine to get rid of the stain quickly and efficiently.

Get Your Child In On the Cleaning

Often times, children may not realize that they were wrong if your initial reaction is to scold them harshly. Conversely, get your child in on the cleaning and make it seem like a learning activity instead. Many mothers discovered that when you let your child help you do the cleaning along with you, they are more than happy to help. As a result, they are a lot more careful because they realize that they have done something wrong and they try to prevent it from happening again.

Keep Your Pets Away

When pets smell urine in a spot, they are bound to investigate it. Often times, pets smell urine and their natural instincts are to mark their territory. Although this is more commonly seen in male animals because they rely on their instincts, female animals might just consider it okay for them to pee on that spot because of the odor on the mattress. However, even if your pet does happen to urinate anywhere, even other than the mattress, using the aforementioned steps will help to clean their urine as well.

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