
Combating Pet Odors Using Enzyme Based Cleaning Product 

 October 5, 2020

By  Xion Lab

Most pet owners face the problems of their pets peeing outside the litter box. Getting rid of the urine odor can be a challenging task. Whether the pet urinates on bed linens, carpet, sofa, or on your clothes, you should eliminate pet odor using an effective cleaning product such as an enzyme-based cleaning product.

Eliminating cat odor is essential not just because of the stink, but also to eliminate health risks associated with it. The peculiar stench that we associate with urine is of ammonia gas. The gas is released when the urine decomposes due to being exposed to air. Long term exposure to ammonia can lead to lung damage, eye problems, and even skin irritation. So, it would help if you eliminated pet odor using an effective enzyme-based cleaning product.

In this guide, you will find out how to effectively eliminate pet odor using an enzyme-based cleaning product.

Commercial urine remover

Pet Urine: Why they Stink?

Pet urine is not different from human urine.  They are composed of about 95 percent water while the rest is ammonia, sodium, uric acid, and other trace minerals. If not adequately cleaned, pet urine can create an awful smell.

Cats and dogs have a propensity to mark the territory outside the litter box with their pee. After a while, ammonia gas released when the uric acid in the urine decomposes resulting in the smell that is associated with pet urine. In the second stage, the decomposed urine gives off mercaptans that worsen the stinking problems. The scent of older pet’s stink is particularly strong as their kidneys have lost some of the efficiency.

Also, the urine of male pets that neutered are not has a strong smell. The testosterone is containing pee signals other males to stay away, while it lets the females know about their presence.

Why do Pets Usually Urinate Outside the Litter Box?

Pets urinate outside the litter box for different reasons. Lack of training is the foremost reason that pets pee outside the area. Many pet owners think that pets urinate outside the box because they are angry with the owner.

It is the wrong misconception according to a veterinary specialist at the Cats Exclusive Center in Washington, Laura George.

Pets lack the cognitive skills to ’take the revenge’ for something wrong done by the owner.  The reality is that they are likely doing it because of some problems. According to the associate director of Cornell Feline Health Center, Bruce Kronereich, if your pet is not urinating at the designated place, it may be because of some medical issues.

Medical problems that may be causing your pet to not urinating at the designed place include the following:

  • Kidney disease
  • Urinary tract infections,
  • Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)
  • Hyperthyroidism

Sometimes the pet associates the litter box with pain. That’s why it will start urinating outside the box. Recommended it that you take your pet to a veterinary for a checkup. If the urinary infection is left untreated, it can become severe.

Another reason for a pet not using a litter box is arthritis. Pets can develop arthritis as they age. It makes it hard to get inside the litter box to urinate. In case the litter box is placed in a location where the cat has to perform a physical activity such as climbing up to the litter box, it will prefer peeing outside.

You should act like Sherlock Holmes or Dick Tracy and try to find out why your pet is not using the litter box. It will help if you determine whether your feline or canine pet is suffering from a disease that prevents it from using the litter box to pee. In case any medical illness is ruled out, you should then determine whether the pet requires re-training to make it pee inside the litter box.

When you determine the solution to the outside-the-litter box behavior, you can prevent your pet from staining the carpet or mattresses. Whether it’s a medical or a behavioral problem, you need to take an instant action to resolve the


Can resolve the behavioral problem by taking simple measures such as placing an additional litter box where your pet frequently answers the call of nature. The general rule should be that you should keep one other litter box than the number of pets at home. You can also try changing the type of litter or removing the cover if it has one to encourage your pet to pee in the litter box.

Why do Some Pets Spray?

Another common problem encountered by some pet owners is that their pets tend to spray rather than squatting and urinating in the litter box. In this way, some urine may get sprinkled on the carpeting and the walls.

Removing pet odor from the carpet is incredibly tricky. You need to clean the carpet using an enzyme-based cleaning product.

Pets generally mark the territory by spraying. Getting the male pet neutered and the female cat spayed can help prevent this behavior. It would help if you considered getting the pet neutered or spayed after every six months.

In some cases, even neutering or spaying the pet doesn’t solve the problem. It would help if you found out the reason for your pet to spraying the urine. Sometimes the problem is caused due to anxiety, stress, and frustration. Also, short playtime, restrictive diet, and territorial disputes with other pets can lead to your pet spraying instead of urinating the usual way.

You should find out and then address the reason your pet is spraying. Consider separating the feuding pet and then slowly reintroducing the pet in the home.  To ease the anxiety, you can buy a plug-diffuser that releases a sound that relieves the pet’s nerves.



What Products Can You Use to Eliminate Pet Odor?

The longer you let the urine sit on the floor, the more will be the pet odor. The stench will become worse the longer you wait to eliminate the pet odor. Over time, the smell gets more concentrated and reviling.

After the urine dries, you may not see the stain. However, you can still smell it. What’s more, your pet will also be able to smell the urine that will encourage your pet to urine in the area again. That’s why you must clean the area quickly once, and your pet has urinated.

You can eliminate pet odors in different ways. Home remedies that are said to stop the pet odors include using pantry staples like baking soda, enzymatic cleaners, and vinegar. However, they are not effective in completely removing the stain.

The problem with most home remedies is that they only mask the urine odor. They do not eliminate the urine. The most effective weapon that you can use to remove urine odors is using enzyme-based cleaning products.

You can use enzyme-based cleaning products to eliminate pet odors in the couch, mattresses, cushions, carpeting, linens, and other furniture items. The enzyme-based cleaning products do not just mask the problem; they eliminate the odor.

The enzyme-based cleaning products break down the uric acid contained in the urine. The product eliminates both the dried urine and the unpleasant odor. So, how do these products work ineffectively eliminating pet odor?

Howe Enzyme Based Cleaning Product Work?

Enzyme based cleaning products contain natural enzymes that help get rid of the unpleasant odors. When the surface cleaned using enzyme-based cleaning products, your pet won’t be able to smell the urine. In this way, your pet is less likely to pee in the place again. In this context, you must avoid using a cleaning product that contains ammonia. The reason is that ammonia is one of the main components of urine. The smell of the ammonia will linger at the place even after you have cleaned the area. Your pet will more likely go there to pee after smelling ammonia.

Whether you want to eliminate the urine odor of your pet dog or cat, or an incontinent adult or a young child, enzyme-based cleaning products can make it easy for you. The product can remove stains from mattresses, cushions, clothes, and bed linens.

Urine from mammals, whether it’s a pet or human, consists of crystals of uric acid among other things. Enzyme based cleaning products can effectively eliminate uric acid through a chemical reaction. An enzyme is a chemical substance that speeds up the decomposition of urine. Apart from enzymes, enzyme-based cleaning products also contain bacteria that help decompose the pet waste.

Enzymes are a type of protein that is present in every living organism. However, unlike bacteria, they are not alive. They made of amino acid chains, and the structure sequence determines their functions.

The two most common types of enzymes used in the enzyme-based cleaning products include amylases and proteases. These are food-based enzymes that act as a catalyst in the decomposing of the urine.

Amylases included in cleaning products used for eliminating starch-based stains. They can effectively remove stains caused by gravy, ice cream, sauces, sugars, and eggs. The enzyme effectively breaks down the starch chains, thereby eliminating the color.

Proteases enzyme included in enzyme-based cleaning products used to clean protein-based stains such as urine, waste, foods, blood, beverages, etc. They change the composition of the color, thereby virtually eliminating pet odor.

How to Eliminate Pet Odor from Carpets?

You should clean the pet urine on the carpet as soon as possible. Consider blotting up as much urine as possible with the enzyme-based cleaning product. Afterward, it would help if you rinsed the area using clean water and then use a wet or dry vacuum cleaner. Avoid using a steam cleaner to eliminate pet odor from the carpet. The reason is that it can worsen the stain.

Enzyme-based cleaning products are generally available in a spray bottle. On carpets to remove pet stubbornness, spraying will not do the job. You need to remove the sprayer and blot up the area with a clean cloth. Let the liquid set in place for about 15 minutes to allow the product enough time to eliminate the urine from the carpet. It will help if you avoid your pet from returning to the spot when the enzyme-based cleaning product used in the carpet. Consider placing a piece of aluminum foil over the area. You can also cover the area with a laundry basket.

Urine often seeps through the carpet into the flooring below. It results in a stain mark and a particularly reviling stench. In such a case, you cannot clean the area using a carpet cleaner. Instead, it would help if you neutralized the using a stain-blocking, oil-based primer to clean the urine beneath the carpeting. In case the urine stain is not cleaned using this method, you may need to remove the padding and the area of the carpet on the subfloor where urine has soaked.

After you have cleaned a particular area, you should prevent your pet from peeing at the place again. Pets generally prefer to eat and eliminate waste in different places. So, it would help if you considered placing the eating bowl near the previously stained area. It would help if you also considered leaving toys and other items in the area.


How to Eliminate Pet Odor from Mattresses and Cushions?

Can clean mattresses and cushions similarly to carpets. It will help if you soak the stained area with an enzyme-based protector and mattress cleaner for urine. Blot up the area using a clean towel, and then pour the enzyme-based cleaning product around the affected area.

Let the cleaner sit at the place for about 15 minutes. Next, you should squish out excess cleaner and then blot with towels. It will help if you let the mattress and cushion dry as much as possible. It may take days for them to dry. So, it would help if you considered laying aluminum foil before putting back the cushion.

To prevent your pet from peeing as the mattress and cushion dries, you should consider covering them with a trap or large plastic sheet. Keep a plastic cover over the mattress and pillow until those thoroughly dried if your pet has developed the habit of peeing outside the box.

How to Eliminate Pet Odor from Clothing and Bed linens?

Enzyme Based Cleaning Product

You can clean machine washable bed linens and clothing items in a washing machine. However, first of all, you should rinse the area using an enzyme-based cleaning product in a sink. Afterward, you should put them in the washing machine and add a cup and detergent and a quarter of cold vinegar.

If the smell is still not gone after the cycle is over, you should add an enzyme-based cleaning product to the load according to the instructions.

An important thing to note at this point is that you should never use bleach. The reason is that harmful gases are released when bleach mixes with ammonia. Also, you should always air dry the linens and clothing instead of using the dryer. Heat can lock in the pet odor before eliminated. As a result, you may have to clean them again in the washing machine.

multipurpose enzyme cleaner



Enzyme based cleaning products work perfectly to eliminate pet odors. They have been used for years in the medical industry for sterilization purposes. The products are containing enzyme work effectively in reducing pet odors.

Unlike most other cleaning products, enzyme-based cleaning products do not just mask the area. They eliminate pet odors. They are also eco-friendlier as compared to traditional homemade cleaning products.

The only thing that you should take care of when using an enzyme-based cleaning product is to avoid exposing them to extreme heat and cold as they can lose their efficacy. Apart from cleaning pet urine, the enzyme-based cleaning products work effectively in eliminating all sorts of stains. Can use them on both soft and hard surfaces.

The best thing about the cleaning material is they typically do not leach out coloring. You will not have to worry about the product destroying your mattress, fabric, bed linen, or clothes when you use the enzyme-based product. The products work on both hard and soft surfaces.

In the end, like any other cleaning product, you should test a small area before applying it to the surface. Should use the products after carefully reading the instructions. The main thing is to ensure that the work remains on the surface for a sufficiently long time. You need to flood mop the body and not just clean it using a slightly damp mop. When it comes to cleaning pet odors, no other products are as much practical as an enzyme-based cleaning product.

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