
Make Your Drain Clog Remover: The One Hundred Percent All Natural Way! 

 October 16, 2020

By  Xion Lab

A clogged drain and especially a toilet or commode blockage can turn out to be a calamitous event. And this holds especially true when you have no idea whatsoever, as to what to do when you try and clean the place up. A blocked toilet drain can quite enthusiastically ‘upchuck’ any of its contents all over the washroom, till the water seeps through all over the charming, clean floor, the carpets, the furnishings etc.. At the same time, you try and run around, trying help stem the proverbial tide.

But it does not always have to be this way at all, even if you are entirely allergic or scared of really harsh acids and commercial scourging agents that used to clean blocked drains. It is because it can quite easily be clean even the most tightly blocked drains as long as you know how to make your drain clog remover.

It is not that difficult provided you have the relevant and necessary knowhow to get the job done right, i.e.

By use harmful chemicals that have the potential to wreak harm on not just the drains, in which your tiles, tubs, washbasins and commodes included. And of course, last but certainly not least, your delicate skin, should it come into any direct contact with these otherwise highly corrosive acids and other equally harmful chemicals.

It holds even more real when you take in the environmental factor. That is, apart from being damaging to your washroom, such commercial scourging agents deemed to be equally bad (if not even worse) for the overall environment of our planet.

Furthermore, while it is possible to and indeed perhaps required for you to use them to clean a completely clogged kitchen sink or for that matter, a toilet/commode drain. That is not working at all, and you desperately need a ‘quick fix’ then you might need to use these highly corrosive acids and chemicals. But in all other applications such as washbasins, bathtubs and shower stalls, it is deemed prudent to make your drain clog remover.

It is so especially since there is no chance of there being any damage to the T junctions and joints in the drains. If highly corrosive chemicals make it to these delicate (when compared to the rest of the piping and drainage). And remain there, they can get through the waterproofing material and start seeping into the ground. Not only is it extremely harmful to the pipes, but it can also lead to seepage related issues, especially in washrooms located in the upper stories of residential and commercial buildings. After all, the very last thing one wants or expects is to have concentrated acid dripping on him from an upstairs washroom, while he is sleeping!

o   Why you should learn to make your drain clog remover

Apart from corroding the pipes (both steel, and PVC) let us take a closer look at the environmental aspect of using such chemicals in some detail.

o   Impact on the ecosystem

The thing is that the typical drain cleaner is not only highly abrasive but in addition to that, it also laced with really corrosive chemicals that will inevitably get washed away every time they discharge the wastewater into the central sewer system. Once did these chemicals with cleaning the drain they will eventually end up into the local waterways of the area, and from then onwards they will move on to the water table.

Once there, these highly dangerous chemicals have the near limitless potential to severely damage all sorts of plant life that exists in the area, not to mention the detrimental effects on animal and bird habitats. Even in low quantities, such chemicals can easily interfere in the reproductive practices of the fauna of the area and thereby cause some severe genetic mutations in the offspring of many such wildlife species. If not most of these chemicals are considered downright lethal by even their manufacturers and with good reason too.

After all, they do have the potential to kill outrightly and in fact, essentially decimate the more responsive and sensitive species of the entire ecosystem near where these chemicals have used. But on the other hand, should you make your drain clog remover, you can help the environment to a great extent.

o   Impact on your home

But that should be the very least of your worries should you use these chemicals, often enough. It is because (as per data collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) many of the more common chemical drain cleaners typically consist of a large amount of sulfuric acid as well as lye. And once these already lethal chemicals are combined, they can also create extremely hazardous fumes and gases in and around the region where they have applied.

So, should you be present in the washroom or even using the kitchen while or after using these drain cleaning agents. Then the odds are that you will, in essence, be exposed to them as well and they can make you very ill indeed and even lead to unconsciousness and perhaps turn out even to be fatal as well.

There are many ways you can go about learning how to make your drain clog remover. Some of them include the following common ones:

o   The omnipresent ‘plunger.’

The by the now ubiquitous plunger is pretty much the standard staple of every household, chiefly because it considered being the very first line of offence against any overflowing and clogged drain. Long before trying out any other remedy, it is essential that what you should opt for this nifty little device whenever the wastewater that is flowing through the drain is not doing so, as fast as it used to before. Here, it should point out that waiting for the blockage to get considerably worse to such an extent that these relatively simple remedies don’t work, is not the most sensible option around.

What you should do though, is to start using your homemade plunger enthusiastically, every time the drain looks like it may have even a small blockage. Alternatively, you can use it once or twice every few days, so that it never gets a chance to develop a clog in the first place. While it is undoubtedly more convenient to buy one from the market, but you can easily make your drain clog remover such as a plunger by using an old broomstick and a circular piece of a tubed tire. You can use old rubber tubing to make a more permanent seal around the rim. If done correctly, your plunger can easily outperform the ones found at the local supermarket.

o   How to do it right

Not everyone knows or is aware of the right method for using a plunger. The point to understand is that the bathroom or kitchen drain plunger will only work when the seal around the edges deemed to be perfect. Should there be any leakage of excess air inside, then it will not create the desired suction and thereby unclog the drain. It is why you must completely cover the drain only then pump the plunger, slowly but firmly, after carefully checking to see that it has covered the drain entirely. It is because should it not be adequately protected; the odds are that the contents of the erstwhile drain might end up blowing right back at you.

Carefully place the bottom part of the plunger (rubber side down) over the opening of the drain that requires cleaning. Slowly generate a powerful vacuum by pushing and pulling the drain plunger. Once you feel that enough of a total vacuum has now created, you should grip the elongated handle of the plunger very firmly with both hands and then proceeded to completely yank it right off the drain in one smooth and quick motion.

If you have performed the procedure, the way should do it, and then the odds are that it will help to break through the blockage in the drain to get the wastewater flowing as smoothly and quickly as it used to before.

o   The erstwhile wire hanger

It is another useful tool that commonly found in almost every home. And it can easily be used to make your drain clog remover. Can use your average wire hanger for a variety of purposes apart from its original purpose of hanging clothes.

When you want to use it open a clogged drain, then you should take the wire coat hanger apart till it forms a single long and rigid piece of wire. Now push long this wire slowly down into the blocked drain opening till it meets resistance. It will be the blockage,e consisting of solid waste due to which the drain is not working the way it is supposed to do so. It would help if you commenced pushing it quite vigorously and also wiggle it all around till the clog has been completely removed.

o   The ‘liquid dishwashing soap and hot water’ technique

It is yet another excellent means of removing any blockages from the drain, and yes, the good news is that you can also make your drain clog remover with widespread and everyday items that usually found in the average home.

All you have to do is to squirt around 80 ml or so of a dish cleaning liquid soap, right into the affected drain. You should allow a couple of minutes for it to reach the clog and then pour a full kettle of boiling water (at least a couple of litres, if not more) of the stuff.

This combination can also help remove a whole lot of stable organic matter including both grease and grime and various other residues, such as hair and nails and paper and plastic wrapping and other stuff of a similar nature. It would help if you did it every time you feel that there is a chance of fouling up the drains. One such instance would be bathing your pup.

Furthermore, you can even do it when there is no blockage to speak off. When it comes to figuring out how to make your drain clog remover, another great benefit of this technique is that should it be repeated at least once a week or so. It will also help prevent organic material (only that is, not bits and pieces of masonry and similar articles) drain blockages from even occurring, in the very first place.

o   Conclusion

Irrespective of whichever one of the above techniques (o different combinations) that you will use to try and unclog your drain. You must undertake a few safety measures to help make sure that you not inadvertently injured in any way.

For instance, when you make your drain clog remover using boiling water as an ingredient, then you should try and use mittens or even hotpot holders so that the water does not scald you case you spill any on yourself.

These are a few of the best and environmentally friendly ways to go about learning how to make your drain clog remover and in the process also make sure that not just your drains, but also the environment as well, remains clean and chemical-free.

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