
How To Get Urine Smell Out Of Carpet 

 April 27, 2018

By  Xion Lab

What’s that horrible smell? Urgh! Has the cat peed on the carpet again? Or was it Junior? Now you have to deal with the “how to get urine smell out of carpet” issue.

The smell of urine from your carpet can drive you insane. Even if you have a pet in your house and urine soaked carpets become a norm, you can never get used to that awful urine smell from your carpet. The smell of urine from the carpets can really become a serious problem.

Some people wash their carpets at least once a week to make sure that their carpets are smell free. Scrubbing the carpets by hand and drying them out in the sun are the normally used procedures for the removal of the horrible urine smell from carpets. Some people even opt for the use of air fresheners to do the job. Is this enough to get rid of the smell? No.

Air fresheners only mask the urine smell.  One of the best urine removers from carpets is Xion Lab’s Bio-Enzymatic Stain & Odor Remover.  For more information about this product CLICK HERE.

How To Get Urine Smell Out Of Carpet

I once had three dogs and none of them were kind to my carpets. They regularly peed on the carpets and after a while, my entire house had this horrible smell of dog pee. The situation became pretty unbearable and it deteriorated even further when the cat too decided it was time to join in the fun and start peeing on the carpets. As a result of all this, my house resembled one big urinal with the stench of urine permeating each and every room of the house. And I thought carcasses were the only things that could smell that bad.

The smell of urine soaked carpets is often disgusting enough to prevent you from having friends and relatives over at your place. Don’t wait too long to take steps to get the urine smell out of your carpet. The longer you take, the worse the situation becomes.

I found out the hard way that the smell of urine from carpets usually doesn’t go away by simply washing them with water and hanging them out to dry. Using air fresheners only offer a temporary respite. Playing with your kids on the carpet and performing other activities on it becomes impossible. And don’t even think of inviting anyone over for lunch or dinner. What a disaster! Is there a satisfactory solution to this? Surprisingly, getting the urine smell out of carpets is a pretty easy to do.

Prevention is better than cure. It is best to nip the problem in the bud by making sure that your pet has the opportunity to go outside whenever it needs to do its business. Providing your pets with proper potty training is a very good idea as it will save you much time and effort cleaning up their waste later. But what should you do if your dog has already made a mess on your carpet? How do you get the urine smell out of the carpet? Read on to know the answer.

1. Identification Of Urine Spots

Carpets easily soak up liquids. Cleaning them on a regular basis does not do much to help in the removal of the urine smell that accumulates over an extended period of time. At some point you are bound to ask yourself whether it’s finally time to get a new carpet. Carpets which are heavily saturated with urine are not very easy to clean. The first step towards getting the urine smell out of the carpet is identifying the exact spot where the damage has been done.

The sooner you take care of the smell, the better. It is harder to remove chronic urine smell from a carpet and it is best to take care of the urine spot before it dries up. Try not to use bleach as it is toxic and it does not get succeed in getting the urine smell out of the carpet. Ammonia is also a bad idea as it only makes the odor worse.

One easy way of finding urine spots left by dogs is by using black lights. Easily portable black lights are available at many pet shops and you can also buy them online. They are extremely simple to use. Turn out all the lights in the room and close the curtains in order to make sure it is completely dark in the room.

To find the urine spot all you need to do it to move the black light around the carpet. The urine glows brightly when the black light is held near it. Once you have identified the affected area, you may begin the next phase in getting the urine smell out of the carpet.

2. Removal Of Urine

If the urine stain has not dried yet, it must first be removed by using a paper towel to soak up as much of the urine as possible. After removing the urine, rinse the spot with cool water and use a paper towel to dry the spot. However, if the stain has dried up, use a wet vac on the carpet. After the carpet is dry, it’s time to commence the process of getting the urine smell out of the carpet.

3. Choosing A Cleaning Solution

The choice of an appropriate carpet cleaning and deodorizing solution is essential for getting the urine smell out of the carpet. The end result should be a carpet that smells good and looks clean. It is not always necessary to use an expensive commercial cleaning product as a homemade solution can be equally efficient in getting the urine smell out of carpets.

There are some cheap, but good, cleaning products that are readily available at departmental stores and you can even order them online. It is advisable to use a cleaning solution which is non-toxic and employs natural substances to get the urine smell out of the carpet.

4. Homemade Solutions

If you are not too keen on using off the shelf products from the store, you can make your very own urine cleaner at home by using some of very simple homemade solutions to get the urine smell out of the carpet. Homemade solutions often involve substances like baking soda and vinegar. They are a cost-effective way of getting the urine smell out of carpets.

  • Baking Soda Based Solutions

The simplest homemade solution you could try to remove the urine smell out of your carpet involves the use of baking soda. It is the best option for getting rid of the urine smell that gradually accumulates over a period of time. All you need to do is to sprinkle a sufficiently large quantity of it on the smelly carpet and leave it for a few hours. Vacuum the carpet to clear out all the baking soda.

You may need to repeat the process again if the smell does not go completely away. After repeating the procedure a couple of times, you’ll surely get the urine smell out of the carpet. A small amount of essential oils can also be added to the baking soda and mixed thoroughly. The application of this mixture will give your carpet a pleasant aroma.

If the urine is still fresh, it is easier to get the urine smell out of the carpet. It is best to first soak up the urine by using a sponge dipped into a mixture of 3 parts of water to 1 part of vinegar. This should be followed by applying baking soda to the affected spot and then using a mixture of dish soap and peroxide mixed in the ratio of 36:1 to clean the area.

When the mixture has completely dried off, vacuum the carpet. It should work well, but it is advisable to repeat the process a few times to make sure that no trace of the smell is left. This is a very commonly used procedure and it succeeds quite often in getting the urine smell out of the carpets.

If the carpet is not very thick, it is important to roll the carpet up and clean the portion of the floor directly beneath the urine stain. You might be able to get the urine smell out of the carpet by using one of your homemade solutions, but a trace of the smell will remain if you do not attend to the area beneath the stain. A good scrubbing with soap water should do the trick. Do not roll the carpet back until the area is completely dry or you’ll have to worry about mildew too.

Another baking soda based homemade solution to get the urine smell out of carpets involves mixing half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of borax and adding a single teaspoon of cinnamon. The mixture is kept in a dry place for half an hour and then applied to the urine spot and left for hour. A vacuum cleaner can then be used to remove the mixture.

The pleasant scent of cinnamon can be experienced after the mixture has been removed and in most cases the mixture succeeds in getting the urine smell out of the carpet. However, cinnamon should not be used for carpets that are light colored and it can be substituted by using other spices. The use of any other spice, besides cinnamon does not decrease the effectiveness of the mixture in getting the urine smell out of the carpet. You may also add essential oils to the mixture to prevent it from staining the carpet.

  • Vinegar Based Solutions

Vinegar is also an excellent choice for deodorizing carpets in a natural way. The strong smell of vinegar usually goes away when it dries up and it is usually used for carpets which have accumulated a significant quantity of urine. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the vinegar spraying process several times before you manage to completely get the urine smell out of the carpet.

Another good homemade solution that you could try for getting the urine smell of carpets involves the use of white vinegar. Create a mixture of 3 parts of warm water to 1 part of white vinegar and use it to clean the floor. The smell of vinegar is quite strong and it is always a good idea to keep the windows open so that proper ventilation is available to prevent the smell of the vinegar from becoming unbearable.

If a faint trace of the smell remains, simply repeat the procedure again to get the urine smell out of the carpet and to ensure that it goes away permanently. You might have to do it several times to completely get the urine smell out of the carpet.

When washing a carpet, you could also try adding a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to the detergent you are using in the washer. This usually works quite well for getting the urine smell out of carpets.

  • Using Vodka As A Cleaner

The use of cheap quality vodka can also do the trick and it has proven to be an effective way for getting the urine smell out of carpets. Vodka is a natural odor remover as it removes bacteria. Let it remain on the carpet for a while after spraying it. A little baking soda can also be added to the vodka to take care of any extra moisture. A vacuum cleaner should then be applied to the carpet. The whole process might have to be repeated several times to ensure that you get the urine smell out of the carpet.

One of the best products to remove urine from carpets is Xion Lab’s Bio-Enzymatic Stain & Odor Remover.  For more information about this product CLICK HERE.


5. Cleaning Products From Stores

Some people prefer to use a commercial cleaning product to get the urine smell out of carpets. Most of them are not very costly and they offer a convenient way of getting the urine smell out of your carpet in a quick and easy way.

Getting a quality product that can remove the urine smell out of the carpet is not hard at all. They are readily available at any good pet store and also at many general stores. Or, you could simply order it online. The regular use of carpet cleaners and deodorizing solutions will ensure that your carpet remains odor free.

There are many good enzyme based urine cleaners in the market that you can use to get the urine smell out of carpets. Some of these solutions are Simple Solution, Capture Pet Stain, Odor Neutralizer, Complete Pet Stain and Odor Remover, and Nature’s Miracle. The great advantage these cleaners have over many other commercial products is that they deal with the stains by attacking the organic molecules responsible for the urine odor rather than providing a temporary solution by suppressing the smell for a certain period of time.

Many cheap cleaning solutions are not very successful in permanently getting the urine smell out of carpets. The cheaper products in the market are the ones that only provide a temporary fix and in the long run they do not get the urine smell out of the carpets. Some of the good urine cleaner sprays have agents that produce bacteria which keep attacking the stain until the smell is finally gotten rid of.

Fresh Wave Crystals are a natural way of fighting off the urine smell from carpets. These crystals are eco-friendly and non-toxic and they provide a safe and easy way for getting the urine smell out of carpets. They are easily available at various stores and they offer a convenient way of getting that nasty urines smell out of your carpet.

6. Use A Steam Cleaner

For a carpet which has not been cleaned for a very long time, it is advisable to use a carpet steam cleaner. They can be rented at many department stores. Steam cleaners are a very handy way of getting the urine smell out of carpets. The steam cleaners can be used with a variety of cleaning solutions and simple substances, like vinegar, to effectively get the urine smell out of your carpet.

Adding enzymatic cleaners is a good way to ward off the odor producing bacteria, but be sure to spray the affected with water and use a paper towel to remove any excess moisture. The steam cleaner may have to be used a number of time to completely ensure success in getting the urine smell out of the carpet.

However, sometimes the situation is so bad that even the best of cleaning substances and techniques that you try are unable to completely get the urine smell out of the carpet. When that does happen, do yourself a favor and hire a professional cleaning service to get the urine smell out of the carpet. It might be a more costly solution, but they will surely do a good job in getting the urine smell out of your carpet and giving it a clean and pleasant smell.

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